Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Soccer Gear and Equipment - Basics Required to Play

One of the things that make soccer such a wonderful sport for the average sports fan is the fact that you don't need any fancy or expensive equipment to play. That may be one of the main reasons why soccer is the world's most popular sport to date. It' fun, it's easy and it's cheap! Whether you are 8, 18 or 80, you can enjoy a game of backyard soccer with only:

  • Ball – this can be a standard soccer ball, or another type of kicking ball.

  • Open space to play – no matter where you live: the desert; the jungle or somewhere in between, soccer can be played as long as its fairly open (this helps to avoid broken windows from straying balls).

  • A few friends – even though you can always kick the ball around yourself, soccer is more fun to play with a group of 2-20.

  • Lots of energy – soccer is a fast-paced game of perpetual movement, so make sure you have plenty of energy and are ready for some exercise before you head out to play.
  • Even though there is very little in the way of equipment you need to play soccer, there are a few items that some players find helpful if you can afford it, especially when playing on a more formal team.

    Soccer Ball.

    While soccer has been played in some parts of the world with a variety of kick balls, tin cans, or basically any item that can be "kicked around," most players prefer a regulation soccer ball to make play easier and safer.


    Cleats (spiked shoes), can be one of the most important pieces of equipment for team soccer players since they help the players stay balanced no matter what the ground surface (sand, dirt, grass or even mud). When buying soccer cleats, make sure they fit correctly – snug, but not tight, and choose the style that best suite the weather conditions and physical terrain in which you'll be playing.

    Shin Guards.

    Although not required equipment, especially for informal neighborhood play, shin guards are a great way to protect player's legs from injury. Attack players usually prefer lightweight shin guards that offer more mobility, while defensive players prefer a tougher more durable style.

    Goal Keepers Gloves.

    Many goalkeepers prefer to wear a specialized playing glove to get a better grip on the ball as well as save fingers, joints and the palms of the hands from harm.


    Unless you're playing an official league game, ad-hoc goalposts can be anything: trees, cars, playground equipment, even people!


    Although soccer can be played in any comfortable clothing, most players prefer to play in shorts (usually knee-length); a cotton jersey and thick high socks (usually to the knee) to help protect the calves and legs from injury.

    As you can see, even players who purchase a full uniform and the standard soccer equipment can do so for a minimal investment compared to most other sports. But don't let an inability to buy long socks, cleats or a colored jersey stop you from enjoying this wonderful sport. There are players everywhere who play only a ball and their friends every day all over the world! That's what makes soccer so great.

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    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Hick

    By Matt Hick Platinum Quality Author

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