One of the most important aspects of being approved for a payday loan will be your checking account history. If you have issues in the past with banks canceling your checking accounts, or issues with insufficient funds, writing bad checks, and negative balances it will be very hard for you to get approved for a payday loan. Most banks will report any issues with your checking account history to agencies such as Teletrack.
Teletrack acts as a mediator between the bank and the consumer where the bank reports your bad history with them to Teletrack. If your name appears within their database, a payday loan company that runs your name through Teletrack's database will automatically deny you for the loan. You may also find it difficult as well to open any new checking accounts.
To avoid this issue and still get the loan that you are after, you'll need to focus on companies that issue loans without doing a Teletrack check. There are quite a few options available, and you'll find that a few companies offer this option. If you know for a fact that you've had a bad checking account history, then to improve your chances of being approved for the payday loan, it would be in your best interest to apply with companies that specifically state that they do not do a Teletrack check.
In the meantime, you should of course payoff any old debts as soon as possible with any of your former banks to ensure that your name is eventually removed from Teletrack's database as well. It's very important that you do all that is within your power to have your name erased, as it can hurt your chances for payday loans, acquiring jobs, and traditional loans.
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