This depends a lot on why you need a breast pump. Usually, breast pumps are recommended for relief from engorgement, establishment of milk supply, storage of breast milk and to draw out inverted or flat nipples to help your baby latch on easily. Ameda breast pumps offer a range of breast pumps to choose from.
Do you need it for occasional use?
If you plan to directly breastfeed your baby most of the time and need a pump to only occasionally express milk or relieve sore nipples, a manual pump is an economical option that will fulfil your needs well.
Will you need it more frequently?
However, if you need to use a breast pump more than twice/ thrice a week, then you may consider a less cumbersome option such as handheld battery or electrical operated pumps. Moms taking up part time work or looking to improving milk supply will probably find this the right breast pump for them. These devices express milk quickly and are time-saving too.
Are you returning to work and need the pump on a daily basis?
If you are returning to work and plan to store most of your infant's feeds, a good quality double electric breast pump will work best for you. They express milk quickly, from one or both breasts at the same time, thus you saving a lot of time.
Do you travel a lot?
If you travel a lot you would probably prefer a portable battery/electric operated pump with suitable carry cases. You may also select ones which have ac and car adaptors and accessories such as multiple storage bottles to make it easier for you. Always keep spare batteries and / or a manually operated pump for power outage and low battery situations.
Do You have a premature or a sick baby?
If you are pumping because your infant cannot suckle and you need to increase the flow of milk, a hospital grade pump will be best for you. This is because these have stimulators to increase milk supply over time.
Visit CORE online to get free access to more information and resources on comparing Amenda Breast Pumps.
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